Jdorama nie mengisahkan kelebihan or a curse yg terjadi kpd dua beradik yg dh terpisah sejak kecil lg... shinji (takizawa hideaki) possess kononnya a 'god hand' iaitu his right hand has a power to heal while adiknya, ryosuke (nishikido ryo) lak possess a 'demon hand' yg mana his left hand has a power to kill by just a touch...ironically, their characters are all opposite from what power they have...shinji boleh dikira cam bad guy r n xpernah reveal his true self kat sesapa pon...ryosuke lak mmg bek sesangat n dia xsedar pon dia ada ability tue sampai r satu incident nih...as always, nishikido ryo still looks awesome as ever!!! i've been his biggest fan since i watched him in one litre of tears (heeee....can't wait to watch his recent work, papadol)..n the reason why only got four stars coz ada satu watak polis pom nie yg ak rs cam xperlu je ada...huuuu..xde lg best kot, annoying je..huuu....
My Stars:
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Takizawa Hideaki as Shinji |
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Nishikido Ryo as Ryosuke |
hmm... what is it about? Checking it out now.