Kali nie wat kat hong kong lak..ada tayang delayed telecast kat 8tv last friday..huuu...dh separuh baru start tgk...n mmg kebetulan tol, diorang nak bg 'guardian angel worldwide performer award' time tue..n the winner goes to....hee...xlen xbukan, of coz la, the one n only vip, BIG BANG!!!!! tp diorang xnek atas stage..huuu...xdtg kah??? tp rsnya sempat catch a glimpse of g-dragon at the artist's seats...he's alone... huu...yg len xdtg ke....nie yg xbest nih...n lg pelik, bkn dia yg nek, tp si joker, two faces n bane (villains in batman series tue)..huwaaa sapa lak tuh...apsal gd xnek, cam pelik la plak...lps tue baru la taw, rupanya gd xnek coz dia tggu next award, which is the 'best male artist', yg mana dia lah pemenangnya..heyaaa...n the best thing rupanya big bang mmg ada mlm tue..rupanya yg len ngah get ready utk performance yg plg gempak mlm tuh..heee...gd xnek coz bandmate dia pon xnek....xbest r gi nek sorang2, kalo award tue utk group kan...heeee..mmg semangat team members tolll....nie yg lg2 love diorang nih...diorang gak menang utk 'best male group' n the grand award yg mmg dinanti oleh sume artist, 'artist of the year'...heeyyaaaa....you still alive, big bang still alive...(nyanyi ikut tempo still alive ek...heeee)....n yg bg award tue lak, our feymes kung fu master, mr jackie channnnn...heee... n the three mysterious guys yg nek bg pihak diorang tue, rupanya epik high...huwaa...diorang pon menang 'best rap performance' mlm tue...heeee..cayala...rupanya diorang dah join yg family since last july...patut r, diorang jd on behalf big bang mlm tue...ak yg ketinggalan zaman rupanya...heee...kt peminat, tp diorang dah tukar company pon xtaw...heee...anyway dua2 my fav satu company dah...yg family dh makin bigger nie..best best..n satu lg band yg ak minat, miss davichi pon menang...berganda2 la bestnya...diorang menang 'best vokal performance' utk group...huu..mmg diorang deserve pon..vokal diorang mmg powerful..superb beb...k. will pon menang 'best vocal performance' utk solo artist...n he performed with B.o.B..lg nothing on u la kan...sore dia, fuh mmg gemersik toll...tp he looks a little awkward..xtaw r kot nyanyi ngan org luar wat dia nervous, tp pape pon, sore dia mmg the bomb...unlike yg nyanyi lg airplane ngan b.o.b...huuu...merosakkan lg haley je...minah tue pon cam tergedik je atas stage tue...sapa? ntah ler...xfeymes pon...huuu...enough with the mengata...about the other nominees, cam c.n. blue n baek ji young yg xmenang mlm tue, xpa, diorang still my beloved...heeee...huuu..
performance big bang mlm tue, bg ak agak disappointed...huuu..bkn apa, konsep pakaian diorang dh makin cam kebaratan...love their old style...(paling best live lies, seung ri wat mimik piano n top with his famous hand dance tue...with stylo jacket...mmg best r) huu...mmg r diorang nak wat kelainan n bg distinguished from other korean artist, tp still agak keterlaluan (just style rambut tae yang yg kembali ke time diorang first debut dulu)..even utk lg monster in me pon, umm cam kureng..mmg dh dgr bising2 psl konsep diorang dr masa diorang release mv utk monster lg, tp time tue ak ingat konsep utk mv je, so xpe r, nak bg nampak interesting la ktkan..tp bila live show pon dh makin hilang their old style, cam xbest r...masa diorang turun k.l ari tue, ak xgie...huwaaaaa...xckp bajet la ktkan...kalo x, leh tgk diorang face to face...ahaks..boleh ke...huuuuu...pape pon diorang still my VIP!!!! (sambil layan lg tomorrow by tablo of epik high ft tae yang of big bang...sweeeeettttt....heeee...leh dgr kat currently listening gak)..jom tgk big bang n epik high mlm tue...pic k.will n davichi xde...huuu..tp diorang still look stunning as ever!!!
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Epik High as Joker, Two Face & Bane |
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Big Bang after won 'Artist of the Year' |
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