Lebih gemar panggil dia sbg nanba sempai...watak dia dlm hana kimi coz jdorama tue r ak first watched his work n fell in love with him...heeee....despite his cute look, dia nie mmg talented orgnya...xkira r lawak ke, serius ke, romantic ke, sume leh, cm watak superhero je xprnh tgk lg...heee..n real life pon rsnya nanba sempai nie mmg romantic orgnya...bila bc berita pasal wife dia, mmg dh leh agak dia nie mmg loving n caring orgnya...sanggup berenti dr dunia lakonan demi nak jg wife dia yg mengidap grave's disease...grave disease nie terjadi bila thyroid overactive, so akan produce hormon thyroid yg berlebihan yg mengakibatkan sesetengah cam nmpak eyes diorang protruding, cam nak terkuar biji mata tue...huuu..n penyakit nie xda cure lg..huuu...seram gak dgr ek...nmpaknya nanba sempai mmg laki yg bertanggungjwb, mmg pyh r nak jumpa zmn skang nih, makin2 wat ak love dia nih...heeee...n bila tgk diorangnyer history bercintan sampai kawen, cam leh agak yg nanba sempai kawen ngan ayaka cepat2 even bru kenal beberapa bln je coz nk jg dia as soon as possible, cam dlm drama jiwang tue...huishhh, mmg romantic tolll, n salute r...bertuahnya ayaka...jeles lak...heee...sesapa yg tgk jdorama zettai kareshi msti taw yg lg sedap, okaeri yg jd ost series tue adalah nyanyian ayaka r...okaeri mmg jd one of my favourite japanese song...n sbb citer tue r tercetusnya relationship diorang...so sweeettttt...huuu...tp thn 2011 ada rumor lak kt diorang akan divorce...huuuu...n fortunately, tue sume just a rumor...pape pon ayaka dh nak wat comeback coz dia dh recover sikit lps treatment, n hopefully, nanba sempai pon ad new drama...hope for the best for both of them!!!! love ya nanba sempai!!!!!
Nanba sempai with his wife, Ayaka during press conference yg reveal diorang dh married!! |
His works yg dh ditonton:
- jdorama
Gokusen 2 |
Brother Beat |
Hana Kimi & SP |
Zettai Kareshi & SP |
Mei Chan's Butler |
Mr Brain |
Tokyo Dogs |
Lovely Complex |
Beck |
Yg nak tgk tp unavailable...huuu
Room of King |