Rasa cam typical citer seram je kan...but there's more than that....will (daniel craig) n his family bru je pindah ke umah baru, their dream house r konon2nyer...n as expexted, perkara pelik start terjadi...bermula ngan dua anak pom will yg ternampak kelibat sorang laki kat halaman umah...pastu will n his wife, libby (rachel weisz) lak jumpa something yg wat diorang rs ada sst dh terjd kat previous owner umah tue...plus jiran depan umah, ann (naomi watts) n her daughter pon nmpak semacam je....huuu...pape pon is nothing that i expected....it's really creative n for me the idea is quite fresh,at first...then, i remember shutter island...mmm, maybe sumber inspirasi kot.....heee....anyway, nie r the first film from two real life married couple, daniel craig n rachel weisz, acting together...mmm, rsnya all three main actors sumenya english actors even nie american film....heeee....definitely worth watching.....
My Stars:
Daniel Craig as Will |
Rachel Weisz as Libby |
Naomi Watts as Ann |

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