Just watched it recently....comedy action yg mengisahkan kyosuke (nagase tomoya) iaitu sorang con artist yg dh ada byk case against him n akhirnya kn cekup gak....fortunately, disebabkan his special skill, kyosuke xdimasukkan dlm jail but he was taken by a secret organization under gov utk halang terrorist drpd wat kaco kat japan....so as a result, kalo kyosuke berjaya halang 11 ke 12 ntah percubaan terrorist, yg bersamaan ngan jumlah case dia, he'll be a free man....selain drpd kyosuke, another spy ialah dorothy (fukada kyoko), n diorang nie slalu xbersefahaman...yg lawaknyer bila timbul persoalan yg dorothy nie maybe sorang lelaki...ada r scene2 yg wat org cam konpius gak psl tue...heeee....pape pon lakonan fukada kyoko mmg makin improved from her previous work, fugoh keiji....n she's really one of the beautiful actress in japan....n even though i find this is just the so-so series n by far, the worst of nagase tomoya's drama that i've watched, i still enjoy scene yg kyosuke kn msk dlm lokar utk turun ke that department....ada cam resemblance ngan harry potter utk scene yg nak gie ke ministry of magic sikit2...heeee...anyway, their funny moments pon enjoyable gak....n ada gak korean actress as a guest star dlm satu episod nih, the lovely go ara....ala yg men dlm running man utk episode charlie's angels tue...heeee....yg plg shock her fast movements nak koyak name tag diorang, even the commander jong kook pon acknowledge her....heee....mmg best r...
My Stars:
Nagase Tomoya as Kyosuke |
Fukada Kyoko as Dorothy |
saje nak masukkan gak her pic
Go Ara |
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