Of coz r tgk movie nie coz ada alex pettyfer....heeee....plus ngan titlenyer cam ala2 beauty n the beast la kan....mmm, skang nie trend wat citer based on classic fairy tale with modern twist lak..menarikkkk...heeee.. citernya pasal kyle (alex pettyfer), anak org kaya yg berlagak n slalu pandang rendah kat org len..... disebabkan his attitude nie r yg wat kendra (mary-kate olsen) slalu bengang ngan kyle....so bila tgk cam kyle nie makin over the top lak, plus dia bertanding utk student prez, n cam wat dia lg power utk buli bdk2 len yg xda rupa sekacak dia or secantik miss universe, kendra the witch pon sumpah r dia jd hodoh...not with the same kind cam dlm kartun tue, yg tue cam rupa haiwan kan tp definiton beast dlm movie nie lbh realistic la kan kiranya dia dah xleh brag pasal kekacakkan dia lg....ngan kepala botak, penuh ngan tatooo n parut....n with the same fairy tale, all the curse can be broken with a true love....so dia kn cari r minah yg truly love him for who he is now even with an ugly face....huuuu....tp bg ak, he still a hot guy even with that scars....heeeee......anyway, cont with the story, kyle mula home-schooling coz dia xnak org len taw n one night bila dia kuar jln2 mengenangkan nasib diri, dia terserempak ngan lindy (vanessa hudgens) lps bapa dia, sorang junkie terlibat ngan pergaduhan with drug dealers...drug dealer tue yg nak balas dendam coz bapa lindy dah bunuh kawan dia,terima pertolongan drpd kyle utk selamatkan lindy....nak dijadikan citer, actually si lindy nie bdk sek kyle n dia pon mmg minat kat kyle, cuma kyle je yg xnotice, not only her feeling but also her existence....huuuu....ciannnnn.....so bermula r kyle nak break the curse n nak ke lindy kat kyle yg skang dikenali sbg 'hunter' coz kyle malu if anyone know who he really is.....for me, movie nie not to bad...i like the way they made kyle as hunter..kudos for the make-up artists...marvelous...heee....honestly speaking, i'm not a fan of vanessa hudgens n her acting also just so-so, so my choices for her role could be vanessa marano yg jd bay dlm switched at birth or emily browning, the confused anna dlm the uninvited or ivana baquero yg jd ofelia dlm pan's labyrinth...heeeee....n i really like the ending song by pixie lott yg leh dwd kat bwh...
Actually the real reason ak tgk movie nie of coz r sbb ada okada masaki....heee.....mengisahkan a trip made by the trio of national audit bureau ke osaka (mmg part of japan yg teringin sgt ak nak g....heeee)....matsudaira (shinichi tsusumi), torii (ayase haruka) n gainsbourg (okada masaki) sbnrnya ada mission utk check finacial kat that state n if diorang gn the money wisely n correctly.... yg bestnya it really can capture the mysterious about that city yg mmg engaging people utk know the truth...n the story revolves osaka castle wat this movie more interesting....heeee.....their initial audit cam ok je tp bila matsudaira teringat yg dia tertinggal handset time diorang ngah tggu order kat satu kedai okonomiyaki (dr segi rupa cam telur bistik w/o kuah or telur dadar kot, rasanyalah....heeee) yg bertentangan ngan office tue...tp bila dia g blk kat office tue, sunyi sepi, sorang pon xda...cam pelik r kan, nak kata g lunch, xkan sume g sekaligus....freakyyyyy....n bila matsudaira try to confront one of the guy at the office, sanada (kiichi nakai), owner kedai okonomiyaki tue pon reveal the truth...rupanya sanada nie adalah prime minister of osaka n the secret of 400 years old about to be disclose n the real reason for te coverup is to protect princess toyotomi iaitu descendant of toyotomi hideyoshi (the one who end the sengoku period yg famous tue n rename it with momoyama period)....princess toyotomi tue sbnrnya adalah sorang school girl yg cam tomboy tp baik hati iaitu chako (ruka sawaki)....n chako tue pon sendiri xtaw yg dia nie sorang princess coz the big secret hanya diketahui mainly nyer oleh warga emas lelaki n the secret have been passed to their descendant bila diorang rs cam dh nak g wat selamanya....huuuu....movie nie lg best kalo taw ckit2 pasal japan's history for more understanding...heeee....cam menarik gak scene yg seluruh osaka completely empty n yg ada adalah gourd di merata-rata tmpt...it added the element of surprise there...
Melodrama movie nie mmg sad r tp not with a typical ending....slalunya melodrama nie diorang wat berakhir ngan kematian kan, tp kali nie both, hero heroine still better together (cam tajuk lagu se7en lak...heeee)....tp for sure r nak dpt a better life/good relationships, sacrifices need to be done kan....alkisahnya pertemuan pertama di antara my beloved so ji sub sbg cheol min yg keje part time jd parking lot attendant kat sebuah bangunan ngan jung hwa (han hyo joo)...actually jung hwa dah tersalah sangka yg cheol min nie adalah pak cik guard yg dia slalu tonton drama tue...so bermula r sesi menonton drama yg cheol min jd 'mata' wat jung hwa coz minah nie sbnrnya buta disebabkan suatu accident yg terjadi beberapa thn dl....time nie ak dh rs cam incident tue msti ada some kind of connection ngan cheol min gak....n as the story goes, their relationship develops even though cheol min nie terlalu secretive ngan his mysterious past....tp bila satu hari jung hwa's eyes condition become worst, cheol min try utk cari money wat operation....cheol min nie yg sbnrnya dl sorang boxer, terima offer utk battle undergound kat thailand....of coz r illegal, tp tue je r cara dia nak dpt duit yg byk ngan cara cepat so berangkat r cheol min ke siam...tp disebabkan hasad dengki sorang junior dia yg gak lwn dia ms dulu, tragedi berlaku....huuuu......anyway, as always, amazing job from so ji sub with his priceless gaze....huish pandangan mata dia tue yg mahal tue....heee.....n han hyo joo's performance dlm citer nie dah top up blk her point lps drama brilliant legacy....really like her dlm spring waltz tp drama brilliant legacy tue wat ak xberapa minat kat dia dah...tp lps movie nie, she's really gain my attention back....heeeee
Just watched it recently....comedy action yg mengisahkan kyosuke (nagase tomoya) iaitu sorang con artist yg dh ada byk case against him n akhirnya kn cekup gak....fortunately, disebabkan his special skill, kyosuke xdimasukkan dlm jail but he was taken by a secret organization under gov utk halang terrorist drpd wat kaco kat japan....so as a result, kalo kyosuke berjaya halang 11 ke 12 ntah percubaan terrorist, yg bersamaan ngan jumlah case dia, he'll be a free man....selain drpd kyosuke, another spy ialah dorothy (fukada kyoko), n diorang nie slalu xbersefahaman...yg lawaknyer bila timbul persoalan yg dorothy nie maybe sorang lelaki...ada r scene2 yg wat org cam konpius gak psl tue...heeee....pape pon lakonan fukada kyoko mmg makin improved from her previous work, fugoh keiji....n she's really one of the beautiful actress in japan....n even though i find this is just the so-so series n by far, the worst of nagase tomoya's drama that i've watched, i still enjoy scene yg kyosuke kn msk dlm lokar utk turun ke that department....ada cam resemblance ngan harry potter utk scene yg nak gie ke ministry of magic sikit2...heeee...anyway, their funny moments pon enjoyable gak....n ada gak korean actress as a guest star dlm satu episod nih, the lovely go ara....ala yg men dlm running man utk episode charlie's angels tue...heeee....yg plg shock her fast movements nak koyak name tag diorang, even the commander jong kook pon acknowledge her....heee....mmg best r...
Another heartbreaking drama n what more interesting, it portrays my favourite on-screen couple lee wan n park shin hye.....heeee...such a beautiful love story yet a very tear-jerking...huuuuu....series nie mengisahkan kehidupan hana (park shin hye) di jepun coz bapa dia org jepun tp mak dia org korea...lps her dad passed away, mak dia kawen len tp kali nie ngan org korea lak, sorang duda yg ada anak laki iaitu yoon suh (lee wan)...wpun yoon suh nie a loner, tp bila diorang kematian ibu bapa, yoon suh try to help hana yg slalu kn buli ngan mak cik n sepupu, maya (asami reina) yg nak rampas harta hana...unfortunately, obstacles can't be avoided, plus hana yg pd mulanya got a crush kat sorang senpai nie, ryu (uchida asahi), menyebabkan yoon suh n hana terpisah...kalo dah terpisah, mana romance nyer kan....heeee nie r yg wat citer nie lg sweet coz the way they portray yoon suh's character yg cam guardian angel wat hana wpun hana sendiri xtaw kewujudannya....huuuu.....series nie yg gak menampilkan beberapa pelakon jepun antaranya asami reina, ala yg berlakon dlm atashinchi no danshi jd xgf mukai osamu n uchida asahi yg play a part dlm zettai kareshi SP....scene yg plg romantisss n leh wat org banjir ms kat tingkap tue....huuuuuiisssh, mmg feel r...n even citer nie mmg penuh ngan permainan emosi tp both of the main casts dpt tonjolkan ngan baikk r....n they really look great together....heeee....n salute r kat lee wan utk scene berkaki ayam dlm salji tue....grrrrrr sejukkkk kottttt....so as the title goes, mesti cam ada yg akan die at the end kan...even mmg xbest r hero mati, tp still the story is so beautiful n engaging people to watch it...n tree of heaven mmg wujud pon, not just a drama punya tajuk....asal pokok nie dr china n taiwan...n digunakan sbg host utk moth, apa lg, nak wat silk la kan....huuuu cuma pokok nie xleh hidup lama cam pokok2 bsr yg len n nak jumpa yg leh hidup smpai 50 thn pon payah r...mmmm, bila pikir balik mmg cam yoon suh r sifat pokok nie kan....now it makes sense.....